The Basics About Us
MallRats of America is a community driven project based on the simple concept of "Helping each other to Help our guests."
What Simple but Detailed Local Resource for use by Visitors, Residents, Local Businesses and Passers-by. Where 1 mile radius - 5000+ hotel rooms which are less than five minutes from the mall, and the closest concentration of lodging to MSP Airport. This zone also includes a major hub for the MetroTransit system, including one end of the BlueLine LightRail which travels directly into downtown Minneapolis. 5 mile radius - Approximate distance a hotel shuttle can travel round-trip while still maintaining a 30 minute schedule. When Whenever you get around to it... No pressure. Why Because we want to help, and we believe that everyone else does too! How Put it all in one spot. Listen to everyone. Allow anonymous posting. Simplify for mobile & quickloads by stripping away ads (don't you hate when those banner and sidebar ads keep loading?) and most other marketing materials. Keep it fresh. Universal Synergistic Integration In the spirit of community development, we at MallRats of America believe in proper and conspicuous credit being given to contributors when necessary. While we technically own full copyright privileges of certain works, unless otherwise noted, the original creator retains non-commercial usage rights. Please let us know if we have missed or incorrectly credited any works by emailing [email protected]. |
We here at MallRats of America are committed to Building Towards the Future and have many volunteer (and a few paid) positions available for students and non-professionals. Ask us how we can help build your portfolio, pad your resume or make that crazy idea of yours a reality.
We also, fully support local small businesses and entrepeneurs (did you know that hotel clerk you're talking to is also a fashion designer?). We believe that these folks are an integral part of the experience and comprise a largely unsung portion of our community. For more information, please email [email protected]. Synergy -
The interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc. |
Please bear with us
This site is a work in progress. There are some elements that are active, and the rest are going to be filled out soon. Please be patient as we Iron out the kinks. ;)